Monday, December 15, 2008


Today is the day that we celebrate a young man's life that touched so many more hearts then I think he or any of us ever realized.  Miguel Flores was an avid Crossfitter who pushed himself to the limits and always raised the bar.  Not only was he a phenomenal Crossfitter but also a warm hearted and caring man that put smiles on the faces of everyone around him.  Crossfit San Diego and all surrounding affiliates are blessed to have known such a great man. This day is for you brother! 

 "Miguel CFSD, A.K.A. McFlurry"

For time:

400 meter Run
21 185lb Cleans (Miguel's Body Weight)

21 Pull Ups
400 Meter Run
15 Dumbell Thrusters 50lb
15 Pull Ups
400 Meter Run
9 185lb Cleans
9 Pull Ups
400 meter run

Please post time to comments and whiteboard.


Miguel Flores. Thanks to CFSD for the WOD.


Mike Livergood said...

23.22, 155lb cleans and outside 400m run.

Mike Livergood said...

the outside run, the temp was 0 degrees, motivation to run fast.

Anonymous said...

40 burpees
21 OHS w/ bat
21 situps
40 burpees
15 head stand push ups
15 situps
40 burpees
9 OHS w/ bat
9 situps
40 burpees

time: 12:40