30 Glute-ham sit-ups25 Back extensions
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Compare to: 090514
11:32 5rd it was a really good day Mike.
15:11 as rx'd better than 2 times ago, I don't recommend vacations though, it sucks
13:51 as Rx'd.
Just registered for the Kansas City Marathon. October 17. Anyone else game? Nate?
12:45 only got through 3 rounds
I am back from vacation, I expect to see a lot of crossfitters tomorrow, time to get heavy!
16:02 AbMat Sit-ups on last three rounds.
9:15 as rxd right after tuesdays wod
13:30 1 rd rxd then ab mat after tues wod
13:21 as rx'd
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11:32 5rd it was a really good day Mike.
15:11 as rx'd better than 2 times ago, I don't recommend vacations though, it sucks
13:51 as Rx'd.
Just registered for the Kansas City Marathon. October 17. Anyone else game? Nate?
12:45 only got through 3 rounds
I am back from vacation, I expect to see a lot of crossfitters tomorrow, time to get heavy!
16:02 AbMat Sit-ups on last three rounds.
9:15 as rxd right after tuesdays wod
13:30 1 rd rxd then ab mat after tues wod
13:21 as rx'd
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