Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Kettlebells swings 1 pood
10 Push ups

Post rounds completed to comments.


Kara said...

8 2/3 rounds

Meli said...

7 Rounds 20 as rx'b

Anonymous said...


11 1/3 rounds as recommended

Eric said...

10K off the main site. 44:35, or 7:10 per mile for 6.22 miles.

Mike Livergood said...


What is your route?

Mike Livergood said...

15 1/3 +4

Eric said...

This is GPS trace of my run, Mike. I roughed out the distance, and used the wife's Garmin to make sure I did a full 10K.

jill said...

9 2/3 14 lb knees

Mike Livergood said...

that is way cool, now I understand how the garmin gps watches work.
unfortunately I can't run that route unless you have me join you on base.

Unknown said...

10 1/3 with 14 lb WBs

Nate B said...

5 Push-ups from 9 rounds

Aj said...

8 2/3rds as rx'd

Anonymous said...


Correction to earlier post

11 1/3 rounds with 60 pound dumbell