Thursday, August 6, 2009


Three rounds for time of:
21 L-Pull-ups
36 K Kettlebell, Pull Kettlebell to top of Pull up bar and down 5 times.

Post time to comments.

Manny, just another athlete getting CrossFit! I'm sure he wants to thank the 4 others just out of frame.


Mike Livergood said...

18:41 16k

olmy said...

35:11 16k

Eric said...

12:47 (16kg) with the benefit of a fresh rope.

Good thinkin' with the rope/KB pull, Mike. Hope to see that again.

Mike Livergood said...


i am sure you like that workout, that was a hell of a workout, maybe sometime later on that one.

Meli said...

27;22 really hard

Val said...

19:50 12k. hands are ripped again...neat

jill said...

11:45 jpu 12k