Thursday, December 24, 2009


The Gym will be open 9am-12pm today.
Check back in the morning if weather is bad.

7 rounds for time of:
25 push ups
Lunges 25lbs overhead, 20 Steps

Post your time to comments:


Mike Livergood said...

13:18 rx'd

Kara said...

Worked out at home had to watch my nephew. For a warm up I used a pole to a tent
25 HSPU on a table
25 sit ups
25 OS
25 push press
25 shoulder press
25 air squats
Did 20 push ups instead of 25
Used 2 heavy school books when I did lunges
with a tiime of 11:50

Val said...

25:02 rx'd you win this one mike ;)

Nate said...

14:52 rxd. I need to get off this soda.

Mel said...

21:23 rx'd my legs and arms are killing

Derek said...

16:21, not gonna lie, I was hurtin on that