Wednesday, January 26, 2011


5 rounds for time of:
10 Hang Power Clean 95lbs
10 Push press with kettle bell 1 pood (5 reps each hand)
10 Dead lift 95lbs
10 Ball slams 30lbs
10 Pull ups
10 Burpees
Post time to comments:


Micah said...


50lb DB Push Press
50lb DB Swing (no med ball)

Mike Livergood said...

13:03 rx'd

Emily said...


65lb. Hang Power Clean
12KG for clean and jerks
65lb. Dead lift
Jumping Pull-ups

Jen said...

31:28 rxd

Nate said...

must have been a fun wod. A lot of post today.

Mike Livergood said...

8 posted on board a few didn't post as usual

Nate said...

Shame. It is always fun to look at and compare times.

Nate said...

Ill probably come do this on a rest day, Ricky has us doing three a days right now getting ready for the game tryouts march. Its an ass kicker.