Thursday, September 15, 2011


25 Kettle bell swings 1 1/2 pood

30 Push ups (release hands from floor)

35 Kettle bell swings 1 1/2 pood
40 Pull ups
45 Kettle bell swings 1 1/2 pood
50 Front squats 95 lbs

Compare to: 110627

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CrossFit Revival.

"Handstand Virtuosity: Part 2" with Laurie Galassi, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"Burpee, Stone Carry, GHD Workout" with Matt and Cherie Chan - video [wmv] [mov]

Johann Sebastian Bach, Overture in the French style B.831 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Anton Chekhov - The Beauties.

"How 9/11 Completely Changed Surveillance in U.S." by Ryan Singel, Wired.


Micah said...


55 lb dumbbell

Mel said...

30:26 r'd good to be back!

Mike Livergood said...

11:34 rx'd liked this WOD