Thursday, December 22, 2011


For time:
Run 1000 meters
100 Push-ups
135 pound Snatch, 10 reps

Josh Everett 6:30, Kristan Clever 11:07 (95lbs). Post time to comments.


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CrossFit Durango.

"A CrossFit Comeback From Cancer" with Chad Hamilton, CrossFit Journalpreview video [wmv] [mov]

"The Butt Test" by Again Faster Equipment - video [wmv] [mov]

WOD Demo with Kristan Clever by Again Faster Equipment - video [wmv] [mov]

"Top 50 Christmas Toys of the Past Century" by Diego Martinez-Moncada, Daily Infographic.


Micah said...

8:30 rx'd

Mike Livergood said...

10:46 95lbs
good job Micah!

Micah said...

Thanks. Running the 1000 meters was the worst.