Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
James Hobart: SP 167lbs, PP 217lbs, PJ 227lbs.
Kevin Montoya: SP 170lbs, PP 190lbs, PJ 190lbs.
Heather Bergeron: SP 110.5lbs, PP 145.5lbs, PJ 145.5lbs.
Mel Ockerby: SP 109lbs, PP 137lbs, PJ 137lbs.
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Compare to: 101215
David's first Muscle up!
SP 155-135-145-155(f)-150(f)
PP 135-145-155-165-175
PJ 155-165-170(3)-175(3)
Had to fly trough this one because of work.
Little correction
SP 125 to start with lol
SP 95, 115, 135, 145, 155 (F)
PP 135, 145, 155, 165, 185
PJ 135, 145, 155, 175, 185
Jayme SP 45,55(f),50,55,60(f)
PP: 45, 65(f),55,60,65
PJ: 55,65(3),55,60,65
Warren: SP 65,85,95,115,135(f)
PP: 95,115,135,145,155
PJ 85,95,105,125,145(2)
Tanner: SP65,85,95,115,135
PP: 95,115,135,145,155
PJ: 85,95, 105,125,145
Javier SP 65,85,95(f)-85-85
PP: 85, 85,85,85
PJ: 65,75,75,75,85
Jeff SP: 65-85-95-95-85
PP: 85-85-85-85-85
PJ: 65-75-75-75-85
John SP: 65-85-95-115-125
PP: 95-115-125-135(f)
PJ: 65,85,95,115,135
Davis SP 65,85,95,115,125
PP 95,115,125,135(f)
PJ, 65,85,95,115,135
Eric SP: 45-65-85-105-115(f)
PP: 65-85-105-115-125(f)
PJ: 85-95-105-115(3)-105(4)
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