170m (6 lengths of the court)
10 Kettlebell swings 1.5 pood (24k)
50 Hand release push ups
114m (4 lengths of the court)
25 Kettlebell swings 1.5 pood (24k)
35 Hand release push ups
57 m (2 lengths of the court)
50 Kettlebell swings 1.5 pood (24k)
20 Hand release push ups
Post your time to comments:
"Pull-Up Virtuosity: Part 2" with Laurie Galassi, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
"Lessons Learned", free CrossFit Journal article by Pat Sherwood.
"What Are The CrossFit Games" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
9:57 rx'd
9:55 rx'd
9:43 rx'd
Vb 2/7
Run 3 laps, 10 double unders, 30 push ups.
Run 2 laps, 20 du, 20 pu.
Run 1 lap, 30 du, 10 pu.
Jo 638, Lana 740, Megan 640, court 716, syd 922, mollie 840, Andrea 815, Annie 612, Kiki 447, Caitlyn 634
MG all reg push ups John 8:57 16k, Davis 11:30 30lbs, tanner 11:40 16k, Eric 10:51 30lbs, dawn 9:44 12k, Javier 12:32 30lbs, Jayme 8:50 5lbs, sit ups, Josh 10:49 24k reg up, Ana Laura 11:43 12k
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