Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Post times to comments.
Compare to 110721.
Martin Dean, Aarhus, Denmark.
"My First Muscle-Up" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
WOD Demo with Patriot CrossFit - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"Jason Terry and Jadakiss compete against Jameer Nelson and Bill Bellamy in a CrossFit FaceOFF", YouTube.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps, 24" box
Compare to:110926
Active shoulders, eyes looking between the hands and a tight midline make for a stable handstand.
"The Foundation Is Nutrition" CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
For Time:
25 Burpees
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
25 Weighted pull-ups with a 20 pound dumbbell
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
25 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
25 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
25 Burpees
Post time to comments.
U.S. Army First Lieutenant Dimitri Del Castillo, 24, of Tampa, Florida, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, died on June 25, 2011, in Kunar province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire. He is survived by his wife Katie, his parents Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E. Del Castillo, his brother Carlos Andres and sister Anna.
WOD Demo with CrossFit Praxis - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Monday, March 26, 2012
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Chad Vaughn 335lbs, Wes Kimball 305lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 120103.
Grant Bowen.
"CrossFit Striking: Lead and Rear Straights" with George Ryan, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
WOD Demo with Chad Vaughn and Wes Kimball - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
21-15-9 reps for time of:
225 pound Back squat
2 pood Kettlebell swing
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: 3rd Infantry Division, Ft Stewart, GA, CrossFit Singapore, CrossFit Perth, Mundo CrossFit, CrossFit Morristown, River North CrossFit, CrossFit BGI, CrossFit Ramsay.
CrossFit Coach's Prep Course: CrossFit Vitality.
CrossFit Kids Courses: CrossFit Kingdom.
"Accommodating Resistance" with Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps-Sweatt CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
WOD Demo with CrossFit Ranch Salinas Valley - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
Post time to comments.
Compare to: 120210.
8 year old Koai'a May.
CrossFit Tour workout video with Dave Castro - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
WOD Demo with CrossFit Iron City - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
100 pound Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 12 reps
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 18 reps
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 21 reps
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.
CrossFit Games Open 12.5 workout instructions - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Jason Khalipa 155 reps, Neal Maddox 146 reps, Kristan Clever 137 reps (65lbs).
Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the CrossFit Games Open.
Compare to 110427 and last year's Open.
"The CrossFit Football Pyramid" with Ben Oliver, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
CrossFit Games Update: Open Week 4.
"Efficiency Tips: Pull-ups" with Chris Spealler video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Workout video demo with Neal Maddox - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
15 Kettle bell swings 1.5 pood
50ft Walking Lunges 25 lb plate
30 Squats
Run 400 m
Compare to: 120131
Hope poster at Saint Judes. CrossFit For Hope Fundraiser, June 9th.
"It Will Never Get Old" with Reis Baron, free CrossFit Journal video - preview [wmv] [mov]
Coach Glassman visits Saint Jude Hospital - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
9-6-3 reps for time of:
165 pound Thruster
Neal Maddox 2:55, Jason Khalipa 3:44.
Post time to comments.
Workout 12.4 at CrossFit Pearl District.
"Jumping Position, Landing Position" with Coach Mike Burgener, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
"Rich Froning: Games Prep And Training" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
WOD Demo at the CrossFit Competitor's Course - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment."
- John Wooden
Monday, March 19, 2012
Five rounds for time of:
Turkish Get-up, 45 pound barbell, 21 reps
Run 400 meters
Post time to comments.
CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: 3rd Infantry Division, Ft Stewart, GA, CrossFit Central London, Colorado State Patrol, CrossFit Oahu, CrossFit Orlando, CrossFit Asia, CrossFit Milford, CrossFit USD, CrossFit - TNT.
CrossFit Kids Courses: CrossFit Verve.
"Keeping the Goal the Goal" with Matt Swift, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
"Efficiency Tips: Handstand Push-Ups" with Chris Spealler - video [wmv] [mov]
WOD Demo with Randal Setzler - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
The NY Times laughably claimed eating red meat increases the risk of death. Fortunately, Zoe Harcombe explains the flaws in their study.
Gary Taubes reacts to the bad science rampant in public nutrition: "Science, Pseudoscience, Nutritional Epidemiology, and Meat".
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.
Compare to 110920.
CrossFit Competitor's Course, CrossFit Park City.
"Brett Marshall: Lifting One Another", free CrossFit Journal video, preview - [wmv] [mov]
"Motivation" for CrossFit Kids by Again Faster Equipment - video [wmv] [mov]
WOD Demo with P3 CrossFit - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"What is robbing a bank compared with founding a bank?"
- Bertolt Brecht
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.
CrossFit Games Open 12.4 workout instructions - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Graham Holmberg 0 rounds + 25 muscle-ups (265 reps).
Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the CrossFit Games Open.
"Biggest Loser Winner Goes CrossFit" with John Rhode, free CrossFit Journal video, preview - [wmv] [mov]
"Efficiency Tips: Muscle-ups" with Chris Spealler video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Workout video demo with Graham Holmberg - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"Britannica To Stop Printing Physical Encyclopedias, Focus On Digital Archives" by Rob W. Hart, Lit Reactor.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
For time:
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1 mile
Post time to comments.
"Found a nice park in Bangkok whilst on holidays to do a workout"
- Ken Babington
"CrossFit Tour: Matt Swift in Gold Coast" CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
CrossFit Games Update: Open Week 3.
"Efficiency Tips: Rowing" with Matt Chan video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
WOD Demo with CrossFit Rubicon - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"Sorrow is the mere rust of the soul. Activity will cleanse and brighten it."
- Samuel Johnson
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Compare to: 110923
Enlarge image
Erin La Voie.
"The Swing: Body Awareness for Hip Extension" with Jeff Martone, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
"A Whole Different World", Dispatch from Kenya - [pdf]
"CrossFit NYC: 504 Strong" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Monday, March 12, 2012
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Post time to comments.
Compare to 110407.
CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: 3rd Infantry Division, Ft Stewart, GA, CrossFit Reebok Loreto, CrossFit Effects, CrossFit Charlotte, CrossFit Pardova, CrossFit St Paul, CrossFit Vancouver.
CrossFit Coach's Prep Course: Trident CrossFit.
"Game-Day Nutrition" with Matt Chan, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
"The Burpee Mile" with Courtney Plevniak - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
WOD Demo with CrossFit NYC - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"What a man believes may be ascertained, not from his creed, but from the assumptions on which he habitually acts."
- George Bernard Shaw
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Tim Banfield, Bugaboo Spire, British Columbia.
"Speed and Dynamic Efforts" with Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps-Sweatt, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
"Yes, You Can" free CrossFit Journal article by Hilary Achauer.
"Efficiency Tips: Knees To Elbows/Toes To Bar" with Chris Spealler - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"Fixing America's Freeways" by Robert Poole, Reason.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 24" box
115 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.
CrossFit Games Open 12.3 workout instructions - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Annie Thorisdottir 13 rounds + 8 push press (20" box, 75lb push press).
Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the CrossFit Games Open.
"Perfecting the Box Jump" with Kelly Starrett and Carl Paoli, freeCrossFit Journal video - preview [wmv] [mov]
"Efficiency Tips: Box Jumps" with Matt Chan - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best."
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Five rounds for time of:
35 pound Dumbbell squat clean thruster, 7 reps
10 Pull-ups
Graham Holmberg 3:29. Post time to comments.
Erin and Carson, Ouray Hot Springs Pool, CO.
"Winter Break Road Trip: Parts 5-6" with Austin Malleolo, James Hobartand Pat Sherwood, by Again Faster Equipment, free CrossFit Journalvideo, preview - [wmv] [mov]
CrossFit Games Update: Open Week 2.
"CrossFit Kids: Developmental Needs" with Kelly Brown by Again Faster Equipment - video [wmv] [mov]
WOD Demo with CrossFit West Santa Cruz - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"The World's Best Personal Security Does CrossFit" by Traver H. Boehm, Breaking Muscle.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
4 rounds for time of:
27 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Burpees
11 Squat cleans, 145 pounds
If you are on the road you can make some subs.
Andrew Manderino 16:34, Ryan Johnston 17:29. Post time to comments.
U.S. Air Force Major David "Klepto" L. Brodeur, 34, of Auburn, Massachusetts, assigned to the 11th Air Force, based at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, died on April 27, 2011 in Kabul, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained from gunfire from an Afghan military trainee. He is survived by his wife Susie, daughter Elizabeth, and son David.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
185 pound Clean and jerk, 2 reps
3 Rope pulls , 16k
Scale as necessary
Post rounds completed to comments.
Paktika Province, Afghanistan
"CrossFit Vitality: The Kids Program" with Ameer Lambert-Smith, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
"Programming" with Doug Katona by Again Faster Equipment - video [wmv] [mov]
WOD Demo with Spencer Hendel and Darren Ellis by Again Faster Equipment - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something."
-Muhammed Iqbal
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.
CrossFit Games Open 12.2 workout instructions and demo - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Rich Froning 98 reps, Dan Bailey 95 reps.
Post reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the CrossFit Games Open.
"After the Gunfire" with Pat Sherwood and Rohan Jones, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]
"Midline Stabilization" with Todd Widman - video [wmv] [mov]
Workout video demo with Elijah Muhammad - video [wmv] [mov]
"CrossFit NYC reacts to 12.2" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
"A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart."
- Jonathan Swift
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Connor Martin: 295-305-310(x2)-280-305lbs.
James Hobart: 245-275-285-295(x2)-300lbs.
Candice Ruiz: 155-165-175-185-195lbs.
Matt Ross (age 15): 115-145-165-200-205lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 110905