Row 1000 meters
20 Pull-ups
30 Box jumps, 20 inch box
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CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: CrossFit Fort Lines, CrossFit Atlanta, CrossFit Columbus, CrossFit Fury, NorCal CrossFit, Rainier CrossFit, CrossFit Morristown, CrossFit Charlotte, CrossFit Roots, CrossFit Country, CrossFit TNT, Alamo CrossFit, CrossFit Colosseum, CrossFit Centrum, CrossFit Basel, CrossFit B4C, CrossFit Tuluka Pilar.
CrossFit Coach's Prep Course: CrossFit Strong.
CrossFit Kids Courses: Trident CrossFit.
"Do You Pee During Workouts?" - [video]
24:26 ran 1000m
27:06 ran 0.8 miles in machine. Agustin
Dax McDaniel
28.54 with row. Ate it twice on the box jumps. Good to see you again Mike. All is well in Okinawa. Sending you guys the good energies.
23:32 2rds only (Push-ups)
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