21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
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CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: CrossFit USD, CrossFit Country, CrossFit 5th Ave, NorCal CrossFit, CrossFit Verve, CrossFit Refinery, CrossFit Ann Arbor, Alamo CrossFit, CrossFit Colosseum, CrossFit the Royal Guards, CrossFit STHLM (Stockholm), CrossFit Rocks, Punk CrossFit, CrossFit Thames.
CrossFit Coach's Prep Course: CrossFit STHLM (Stockholm), CrossFit Belltown.
CrossFit Kids Courses: CrossFit Firepower.
"Women's Wait" by Andre Maria Cecil, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
10:20 95# AGUSTIN
MALLOY: 85# (21) 65# (the rest)
9:46 rx'd
11:20 (75#, 1-leg assisted regular dip)
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