Tuesday, January 14, 2014


3 rounds for time of:
Run 900m
Overhead Squat 95lbs 12 reps
Pull ups 10
Post your time to comment:

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"I dropped down for a pistol in the White House and one of the secret service guys said 'Hey, you must do CrossFit.'"
- Laura Sager

Danny Broflex: Episode 2 - Clang N' Bang - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]


Bailey said...

24:05 65lbs

Jordan said...

20:47 (65#, BJPU)

Mike Livergood said...

18:13 rx'd 40 degree and very windy today

Stacy said...

21:29 (65#)

Becky said...

23:30 (40#, 20 PU, 10 JPU)

Tamara said...

22:00 (45#, JPU)