Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 box jumps, 30 in.
225-lb. cleans, 3 reps
Post rounds completed to comments. Share scaled WOD that preserves the stimulus where needed and results therein.
$700 prize for the best performance videotaped, uploaded to YouTube and linked in comments by 5 p.m. PT Tuesday. Women use a 24-in. box and clean 155 lb. to be eligible for the prize.
Enlarge image
Misty Bingham, running and rounds of Cindy, Neptune Beach, FL.

Greg Glassman on the Open: Part 1 - [video]

Free to Fly by Chris Cooper, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]


Mike said...

6 rds +1 155lbs, 26 inch box

Anonymous said...

Mike it says..."Women use a 24-in. box and clean 155 lb. to be eligible for the prize." NOT MEN!!!

Unknown said...

5rds, 95lbs, 26 inch box

Anonymous said...


7 rounds + 5 box jumps + 1 clean
(75 lbs)

Mike said...

I am not fighting for prizes but anonymous people are welcome to come and try the same loads as me.

Anonymous said...

7 rounds + 5 BJ + 1 Clean (75 lbs)