Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
115-lb. push press, 10 reps
1.5-pood kettlebell swing, 10 reps
24-inch box jump, 10 reps
Post rounds completed to comments.
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CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: Guam, CrossFit 5th Ave, CrossFit One, CrossFit TNT, CrossFit Vitality, CrossFit Roots, CrossFit Atlanta, Alamo CrossFit, Trident CrossFit, CrossFit SoCal, CrossFit Mayhem, Cygnus CrossFit, CrossFit Velocity, CrossFit Glasgow, CrossFit FRA, CrossFit Officine, CrossFit Effects (FX).
CrossFit Coach's Prep Course: CrossFit Strong.
CrossFit Kids Courses: CrossFit Cygnus, CrossFit Columbus.
Danielle Sidell: "I Want it More Than Ever" - [video]
8 rds+ 10pp+ 3 kb (65#, 16kg, 20')
6rds +10PP (85#PP, 1.0pood/16kg KB, 16" box)
7rds+ 10 PP+5 KB swings (65#, 12k, 20")
9 rds rxd
Mike 9 rds 10pp rx'd
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