Tuesday, May 27, 2014


 For Time:
50 Squats
40 Double unders
30 Push ups
20 Sit ups
10 dumb bell cleans 45lbs
5 Dead lifts 225lbs
10 Dumb bell cleans 45lbs
20 Sit ups
30 Push ups
40 Double unders
50 Squats
Post your time to comments


JK said...

11:50 (SUjr, kPU, 30#DB clean)
Didn't do the deadlift/didn't see it on board=RATS!!!

JK said...

Also, did only 1 set of 10DB cleans

Jordan said...

12:27 (80sujr, kpu, 30#, 145#)

Gus said...

11:47 rxd

Mike Livergood said...

7:10 rx'd

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