As Many Rounds as Possible in 8 min of:
10 Burpees
10 Med Ball granny tosses as high as you can 20/14lbs
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R. Davis
2 rounds & 8 burpees. Used 20 lb ball--I was feeling exceptionally She-Ra like today. It didn't take long before burpees pretty much killed that feeling.
Moving across the floor Sampson Stretch 10 Knees to Chest 10 Heel to Butt 10 Straight Leg Forward kicks 10 Spiderman, Plank, R foot forward to R Hand,switch. 10 Inch worms 20 Arm circle, forward and backward then 2 times: 15 Squats
2 rounds & 8 burpees. Used 20 lb ball--I was feeling exceptionally She-Ra like today. It didn't take long before burpees pretty much killed that feeling.
5 rounds 10 Burpees
Matt 4 rds 10 Burpees 5 20lbs med ball toss
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