Monday, August 3, 2015


21-15-9 reps for time of:
135-lb. cleans
Ring dips

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CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: CrossFit ConstructCrossFit Garden City810 CrossFitCrossFit SS (South Side)CrossFit Iron MileCrossFit BelltownCrossFit RootsCrossFit BaselCrossFit ThamesReebok CrossFit OfficineCrossFit AucklandCrossFit 9 DragonsCrossFit Bogota.
CrossFit Level 2 Certificate Courses: Reebok CrossFit OneReebok CrossFit Plaza CondesaCrossFit Chiwoo.
CrossFit Competitors Course: CrossFit Posto 9.
CrossFit Kids Courses: Reebok CrossFit 3DCrossFit EMOM Villa Luro.

"If That's a Job Then Sign Me Up" - [video]


R. Davis said...

1st set of cleans-55 lbs., dropped down to 45 lbs for the last 2 sets. Box dips.
I'm not sure if its because I've been eating nothing but cheesecake and popsicles for the last week or if its from sitting on my butt for a week (waiting for incision to heal) but today suuuuucked. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Mike said...

8:26 115lbs
Matt 14:57 115lbs