115-lb. overhead squats
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Lifeguard Matt Dolan, Brigantine, New Jersey.
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Seriously starting to question my personal need for grip strength. As long as I can hang on to my dogs' leashes when a small animal runs in front of them I'm fine. If I was a rock climber I'd understand that tearing the flipping crap out of my hands is part of the training process, but I'm not, so I'm back to asking "why the hell do I continue to do this to myself?"
Ok, I'm done BMG-- OH squats 35 lbs, did 30 toes to bar (fought like hell for them. Executing wasn't the problem, hanging on to the bar was 100% the problem). Did 15 HG sit-ups w/25 lbs to make up the missing toes to bar.
R. Davis come work out with softball, we're you're number 1 fans
4:15 rx'd
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