Thursday, August 6, 2015


6 Rounds for time of:
15 Push Press, 95 lbs
Walking overhead Lunges 50ft, 25lbs
15 Burpees


R. Davis said...

23.02--I quit on myself and gave up after only doing 3 sets. I'm not sure what's going on but the endorphin rush that keeps me coming back doesn't seem to be there this week. Everything, especially anything involving my triceps, feels 10x harder than it used to. My balance is off and I feel like squiward has more strength than me.
1st pp set used 45 but my triceps acted like I was lifting 100, decreased to 35. Tried 25 for walking lunge. It only took 5 steps before the reality of dropping on my head seemed likely.Finished the rest with 15.

Mike said...

26:18 rx'd
Matt 29:20 75lbs