Tuesday, September 29, 2015


For Time:
5 Rounds for time of:
Run 200m
15 Reps of Thrusters 95/65lb

Nate Herndon's home gym, Columbia, Missouri.

"Mop and Fail" - CrossFit Journal [article]

"Froning: The Fittest Man in History" will be available on iTunes Oct. 2, 2015.

"2015 CrossFit Liftoff Powered by Rogue" announced for Nov. 5-9, 2015.


Jordan said...

13:12 (Row, 45#)

R. Davis said...
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R. Davis said...

14:15 -- 5 round & I think 45lbs. I'm sure I would've remembered if I hadn't had to run all 5 rounds in the swamp-like grass to the fire hydrant. The bright side--at least it had stopped raining or it would've been one giant slip-n-slide.