Complete as Many Rounds as Possible in 20 min of:
10 reps of Ball Slams
15 reps of Kettlebell swings 1.5/1.0 pood
20 reps of Hand Release Push ups
Run 200 meters
Post your number of rounds to comments:
100m shy of 4 rounds. Dang timer went off when I was as far away as possible. Still feel like a walrus doing HFPUs. I'm really ready for my lungs to catch up with the overall progress I feel I've made. My lungs seem to throw in the towel much quicker and more often than the muscles being used.
Moving across the floor Sampson Stretch 10 Knees to Chest 10 Heel to Butt 10 Straight Leg Forward kicks 10 Spiderman, Plank, R foot forward to R Hand,switch. 10 Inch worms 20 Arm circle, forward and backward then 2 times: 15 Squats
6 rds 10 BS, 5 KB rx'd
100m shy of 4 rounds. Dang timer went off when I was as far away as possible. Still feel like a walrus doing HFPUs. I'm really ready for my lungs to catch up with the overall progress I feel I've made. My lungs seem to throw in the towel much quicker and more often than the muscles being used.
4 rds, 10 slams, 10 kb
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