Thursday, October 15, 2015


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 handstand push-ups
10 one-legged squats, alternating
15 pull-ups
Post your choice of girls and rounds completed to comments.
Compare to 150102.
The Air Squat - [video]


Mike said...

21 rds 5pu, 10 push up 10 squats rx'd

R. Davis said...

A stellar 12 rounds, which is 2 more than I was shooting for. I think I could have done more but I was babying the enormous blisters on my hands from yesterday's workout. Started out doing normal push-ups, but dropped to the knees round two. Did pull ups on the little bar using gloves, but they didn't help so it felt like I was holding on by my fingertips. Highlight--did a few handstands where I managed to stop myself & hold it before falling over.

Ian Randolph said...

10 rounds + 5hspu + 10 pistols + 4 PU

Mike Livergood said...

Well done guys!