Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Complete for time 
10-9-8....3-2-1 reps of:
Turkish Get ups 16k kettle bell
Pull ups
Box Jumps
Post time to comments:

Lee Fraser.

"Virtuosity 12: Reconnecting" - CrossFit Journal [article]

"Coke Had Role in Anti-Obesity Group, Emails Show," U.S. News.
Post thoughts to comments.


Mike said...

25:15 16k
Matt 35:11 12k

JK said...

35:04(8kg/0.25pood;BJPU;12"box jumps)

R. Davis said...

26:12, yellow KB, & highlights~ actually jumped same height as box using stacked weights. My fear of missing the box & scrapping the snot out of my shins still makes the box look twice as tall & used yellow KB even though I thought I'd end up knocking myself out with it.