Thursday, December 17, 2015


Warm up on the Board add weight to all barbell movements
For Time:
60 Double Unders
5 rounds of
Overhead Squats 15 reps 95lbs/65lbs
Hand Stand Push ups 15 reps
Box Jumps 15 reps
60 Double Unders

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Compare to 140128


R. Davis said...

27:01 (?) It was 27 something. Did a combo of DU's and singles (2 singles for every 1 DU) OH squats started with 50, ended with 45. HSPU--used the bench and felt like a rocking chair trying to lift a block of cement & holy crap I actually jumped using the box instead of stacking weights 24". My fear of missing and scrapping the crap out of my shins felt like a black cloud over my head. Finished with 120 singles.

Mike Livergood said...
