Monday, January 11, 2016


7 Rounds for time of:
12 One legged squats
24 Kettle bells swings 24k
Post time completed to comments:

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CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Courses: CrossFit Strong, CrossFit Silicon Valley, CrossFit Park City, Reebok CrossFit One, CrossFit Fury, CrossFit King of Prussia, CrossFit Belltown, CrossFit Colosseum, TRAIN Media City, CrossFit Basel, CrossFit Vienna The Loft, CrossFit Brisbane, RIG CrossFit, CrossFit Body in Motion HuangPu, CrossFit High Pulse.
CrossFit Level 2 Certificate Courses: Iron Oak CrossFit, CrossFit Columbus, CrossFit Lutece, CrossFit 4TP.
CrossFit Kids Courses: CrossFit Carbon, CrossFit Milpitas.

"Hip Height in the Sumo Deadlift" from the CrossFit Powerlifting Trainer Course - [video]


JK said...

10:25(box-assisted pistols; 0.5pood/12kg)

R. Davis said...

21:45-box assisted. Today was one of those workouts when I had to decide between faster time or heavier pood (red vs. green). I went with the heavier pood since basically the only reason I workout is so I can eat more while I attempt to drop about 10 more pounds or at least not gain any of what I've lost already back.
Really glad I didn't eat breakfast today. Based on how my stomach kept convulsing as I laid on the floor gasping for air like a fish out of water I'm sure I would've given the weight-room a makeover.

Randolph said...

Ian 11:32 rxd