Thursday, January 28, 2016


3 Rounds for time of:
25 Sandbag push press
25 Sandbag floor to shoulder
25 Sandbag push press over head
25 Sandbag walking lunge
25 Sandbag Front squats


R. Davis said...

I ended at 30:48, but I had about 15 more squats left before I stopped. I got nervous that I needed to get out so the athletes could get started. In almost the 11 months I've been doing this, today was only the 2nd time the words "I can't do this anymore" just about fell out of my mouth. The sad thing is I hadn't even completed the 1st set when it crossed my mind. I'm not a big fan of push-ups or pull-ups, but I would've gladly swapped one of them in place of the over the shoulder. My face was so purple that I'm sure it looked like I was choking on something.

Mike said...

16:17 Rx'd

Mike said...

Rachel good job! You definitely wasn't last today!

Randolph said...

Ian - 15:51. Rx'd