Tuesday, January 5, 2016


For Time:
Complete 100 Push ups
Wall ball toss 20 ft, 20 reps
Buddy carry 2 laps on court or Sand bag if no buddy.
100 Double Unders
Post time to comments:


JK said...

17:02 (kPU;20#toss;sandbag;200SUJR)

Ian Randolph said...

Ian - 8:32, 2 sandbags + vest

Really enjoyed the workout so I did it twice just modified a bit. Did 100 ab mats and 50 push-ups instead of 100 push-ups .

Anonymous said...

Ian - 8:32, 2 sandbags + vest

Really enjoyed the workout so I did it twice just modified a bit. Did 100 ab mats and 50 push-ups instead of 100 push-ups .