For Time:
Run 800m
80 Wall ball shots 20/14lbs
Run 600m
60 Burpees
Run 400m
40 Toes to Bar
Run 200m
20 Hand Stand Push ups
Run 100m
10 Muscle ups
Post time to comments:
36:00~ 14# wall ball, knees to chest, assisted HSPU and for some reason I thought there were only 5 muscle ups instead of 10 so I only did 15 pull ups and 15 dips instead of 30.
Moving across the floor Sampson Stretch 10 Knees to Chest 10 Heel to Butt 10 Straight Leg Forward kicks 10 Spiderman, Plank, R foot forward to R Hand,switch. 10 Inch worms 20 Arm circle, forward and backward then 2 times: 15 Squats
hold my beer!
I will hold it, then drink it if you can't finish in 25 min
30:40 rx'd:
36:00~ 14# wall ball, knees to chest, assisted HSPU and for some reason I thought there were only 5 muscle ups instead of 10 so I only did 15 pull ups and 15 dips instead of 30.
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