Tuesday, April 25, 2017


3 Rounds for time of:
Run 800m
4 Strict HSPU
8 Kipping HSPU
As Many Rounds as Possible in 8 minutes:
12 Thrusters 75lbs
10 Push ups
8 Toes to Bar


R. Davis said...

Part 1) 17:13--did box hspu & I hate hate hate running outside when there are Evergreens around. I'll sneeze non-stop for at least 5 hours and my eyes will look like I've been smoking weed all day.
Part 2) 5 rounds but for some reason I didn't double check the board and went for 9 min instead of 8. 15lb thrusters (still in recovery mode--tried doing a pull-up and my body was so not very happy with me), knee pu and knees to waist **managed not to fall off the bar during any of the sets of 8 :)

Mike Livergood said...

19:59 Rx'd 1st WOD