Friday, May 26, 2017


For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest, wear it.
We will gather at the gym at 0900.
Post time to comments.
Compare to: 160527 

Image result for lt michael murphy

1 comment:

R. Davis said...

50 min. 2 min faster than last time but I felt like I was moving in slow motion and sluggish. Did jumping pull ups that looked more like a pogostick (hands tore up and still recovering). Knee push-ups (have the cherry marks on my knees to prove it). Mike took a video of my push ups & it was depressing. I thought I was keeping my back straighter than I actually was... to be fair I think I was at about 170 at that point.