Complete As Many Rounds as possible in 12 min of:
16 Kettle bell snatch 8R/8L Alternate
16 Box jumps
16 Sit ups
Post number of rounds completed to comments:
4 rds + 8 @ 5lbs. Should've gone heavier once I realized it was a power snatch--but the weights were clear on the other side & I just wanted to get the workout over with.
Moving across the floor Sampson Stretch 10 Knees to Chest 10 Heel to Butt 10 Straight Leg Forward kicks 10 Spiderman, Plank, R foot forward to R Hand,switch. 10 Inch worms 20 Arm circle, forward and backward then 2 times: 15 Squats
4 rds + 8 @ 5lbs. Should've gone heavier once I realized it was a power snatch--but the weights were clear on the other side & I just wanted to get the workout over with.
4 rds 16 kb, 16+14
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