5:32--still working my way back to 100%. Did first 21 gob squats with yell KB, did the rest as air squats (hip tendons were irritated). Did KB swings with yellow but probs could've done green or at least mix the two.
Moving across the floor Sampson Stretch 10 Knees to Chest 10 Heel to Butt 10 Straight Leg Forward kicks 10 Spiderman, Plank, R foot forward to R Hand,switch. 10 Inch worms 20 Arm circle, forward and backward then 2 times: 15 Squats
5:32--still working my way back to 100%. Did first 21 gob squats with yell KB, did the rest as air squats (hip tendons were irritated). Did KB swings with yellow but probs could've done green or at least mix the two.
5:39 Rx’d
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